
Trauma and Stressor Related Disorder Treatment in Mumbai


Many of us have experienced threatening or traumatic situations at some time in our lives. Some people—like defence members, first responders and refugees may face repeated traumatic situations. Repeated events like these can happen to others as well.

Complex trauma occurs when someone faces a traumatic situation they can’t escape from, over and over, or over a long period of time. Examples include child abuse or neglect, ongoing domestic violence, torture, and being a refugee.

Trauma carries more risks of serious and ongoing mental health issues if it happens repeatedly, especially if it occurs as a child. But the good news is that with the right support it is possible to recover from trauma, including its complex forms.

Some people even find positive changes in their attitude to life and their relationships (posttraumatic growth) as they recover from effects of trauma. Life may seem even more precious, and if we have people who we love and trust, they may be even more special.

People can and do recover, even if their trauma was very severe, happened repeatedly, or occurred early in life. It may just take longer in those cases.

Recovery from trauma is not about willpower or trying to ‘forget the past’. It is about teaching your body to reduce ‘fight, flight or freeze’, and learn new ways to deal with the trauma—ways that can make you feel free to grow and live more fully.

Each person’s experience is different, and people may have different paths to recovery. For some who experience one trauma it may be like a sprint through some hurdles. If you have had more severe or repeated experiences it may sometimes feel like climbing a sandhill—two steps up, and a slip back. Recovery may seem slow…and if you have experienced complex trauma, you may find it hard to manage because your strong emotions may feel overwhelming. Reaching out to seek support may be especially difficult.

Be gentle and patient with yourself. Looking after yourself can be a challenge. Take small steps and try to seek help and support when you need it. Focusing on how far you have come will help you keep going.

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