Are you suffering from depression, anxiety or another mental illness? Then you should contact our psychiatrists or psychologists in Mumbai. We have psychiatrists who specialize in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of different types of mental disorders and illnesses.
Mental illnesses such as anxiety, psychosis, bipolar disorder, personality disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can be easily diagnosed and treated by our psychiatrists in Mumbai.
If you or a member of your family suffers from any of these mental disorders, you should contact an experienced psychiatrist in Mumbai. To help you do this, we have prepared a table with all the information you need about an experienced psychiatrist in Mumbai.
What Problems Do You Face?

It is normal for humans to experience fear and anxiety. These emotions help you make decisions, perceive danger, and avoid danger. If you have an anxiety disorder, you may experience fear or anxiety even when there is no immediate danger.
As a result of anxiety, you may experience a number of symptoms, including shivering, sweating, nausea and an accelerated heart rate. You may also experience stomach problems and tension in your neck and shoulders. As your anxiety increases, you may feel like something terrible is about to happen to you. Even worse, if you feel like you are losing control and showing physical signs of a heart attack. Consult the best female psychiatrist in Mumbai for anxiety treatment

We all experience sadness or depression from time to time; it is a common reaction to life events and one of the fundamental elements that make us human. Depression is characterized by constant and persistent feelings of depression and hopelessness. These feelings can lead you to lose interest in important aspects of your life. They can also make previously enjoyable tasks seem like too much work. Spending less time with friends and family can make you irritable.
If you don’t do the things that give your life meaning and joy, your depression can lead to other problems. You may turn to drugs or alcohol to control your mood. As a result, your depressive symptoms may get worse and you may find it difficult to take the right steps. Get the best treatment with female psychiatrist in Mumbai.
Depressive illnesses can come in many forms. They all affect your physical and mental health, but differ in duration, onset and possible causes, and can vary greatly from person to person. Visit Manchaitanya Mind & Health Care Centre for best treatment with top psychiatrist in Mumbai.

Have you ever left the house realizing that you forgot to lock the door or turn off the iron? Most people have had similar thoughts at some point in their lives. It’s normal to worry this way from time to time, or to behave in a way that makes us feel in control of our lives.
But what if you feel you have to clean or check the same things over and over again to feel protected from harm or free from germs? If these behaviors take up a lot of your time and make your life difficult, it could be a sign of OCD or a related disorder. Patient can consult the best female psychiatrist in Mumbai for any OCD disorder problems.
Compulsions are recurring ideas, urges or visual images in your head. They are often unwanted and uncontrollable. Some examples of obsessions are constant worries about dirt or germs, misplacing or losing things, harming yourself or others, and forbidden thoughts about sex or religion. Intrusive thoughts seem real and genuine, even when you know they are nonsense. Often these intrusive thoughts cause you to repeat certain actions to relieve your distress. Book Appointment with best psychiatrist in Mumbai for OCD Treatment.
Sexual dysfunction
A person’s inability to experience sexual desire, arousal or orgasm, or to maintain sexual satisfaction is called sexual dysfunction. These dysfunctions can be caused by a variety of physical, psychological or emotional conditions and can affect people of all genders, ages and sexual orientations. Examples of sexual dysfunction include erectile dysfunction (difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection), premature ejaculation (ejaculating too quickly), delayed ejaculation (ejaculating with difficulty), anorgasmia (not having an orgasm), low libido (decreased sexual desire), painful intercourse and sexual aversion disorder (strong avoidance of sexual activity). Depending on the underlying cause, sexual dysfunction can have a significant impact on a person’s quality of life and relationships and may require medical or psychological treatment. Get the treatment with best female psychiatrist in Mumbai.
Bipolar Disorder

Mood swings are part of being human. However, if you have bipolar disorder, mood swings are more extreme and can last longer. You are likely to experience two completely opposite mood states: mania and depression. For this consult the psychiatrist specialist in Mumbai.
During mania you may feel elated and euphoric. You have a lot of energy and feel that you don’t need as much sleep as usual. Your thoughts may jump around and you may talk fast. You can be the life of the party and feel confident and invincible. As mania develops, you may feel restless and aggressive. Your thoughts may be confused and even crazy.
During depression you may feel moody and very depressed. You have little energy and your sleep patterns may change from insomnia to excessive sleep. You may burst into tears for no apparent reason and refuse to socialize. Your thoughts may become sluggish, your concentration may be poor and you may lose interest in everyday life. You may feel hopeless and consider ending your life. Visit and consult the top psychiatrist in Mumbai.
Trauma and Stressor Related Disorder

Many of us have experienced dangerous or stressful events in our lives. Some people, such as first responders, military personnel and refugees, may experience repeated traumatic events. These types of recurrent events can also happen to other people. Consult the best female psychiatrist in Mumbai.
Complex trauma is when a person is repeatedly or over a long period of time exposed to stressful circumstances from which they cannot escape. Examples include child abuse or neglect, ongoing domestic violence, torture and refugee status.
Trauma increases the likelihood of serious and long-term mental health problems if repeated, especially if the person is still a child. But the good news is that with the right support, it is possible to recover from trauma, even in its complex forms. Get the treatment with female psychiatrist in Mumbai.
Some people even experience positive changes in their outlook on life and interpersonal relationships (posttraumatic growth) as they recover from the effects of trauma. When we have people we love and trust in our lives, these can seem even more important and valuable.
Even if the trauma was severe, repetitive or occurred at an early age, people can and do recover from it. In such cases, it may just take longer. Visit the best psychiatrist in Mumbai for Trauma and Stressor Related Disorder.
Drugs & Substance Disorder

People use drugs for a variety of purposes, such as for pleasure, socializing with friends, coping with stressful situations and escaping from other aspects of their lives.
The abuse of substances such as alcohol and drugs carries the risk of physical and psychological harm, both in the short and long term. Alcohol and drug abuse are just two examples of addictions; there are many more, such as sex, gambling, smoking, shopping and gambling. Patient can get treatment with psychiatrist specialist in Mumbai for Drugs & Substance Disorder.
With any addiction, you may experience severe cravings, difficulties quitting or withdrawal symptoms. Addiction to substances or other behaviors can increase the risk of mental health problems or make existing problems worse. Book Appointment and Visit Manchaitanya Mind & Health Care Centre for the female psychiatrist in Mumbai.